Friday, September 11, 2009

My dog has more heart than you.

Look at him. I know you sense it. He's 10 inches tall from the ground to the tips of his ears, weighs less than 12 pounds and has more heart in his tiny little tail than you do in your entire body. In all the time that I have known him he has never backed down from a fight. Ever. Even when facing an adversary thrice his size, he has never backed down. Unlike you who would run at the first sign of trouble. Hey you know what else my dog would never do? He would never let Bob in accounting return his expense report because he filled in the wrong cost center. Nope he would sit there and stare at Bob with his pasty outstretched hand and he would say nothing until Bob would finally get the hint and slink away.

I remember once my dog and I were out walking around in his neighborhood when nature called. After he was finished I pulled out a baggy and started to pick up the mess.

"What the hell are you doing?" he barked.

"I'm being a responsible d..." I tried to reply.

"You're being a f*****g pansy is what you're doing. Now put that shit down and let's go chase some squirrels."

And I did, because he was right. I was being a f*****g pansy.
You see I've learned in life, that the world is covered in bullshit and when you scrape away that bullshit, all that you really have left is heart. With some folks, you scrape away the bullshit and there's nothing left. But with my dog, there is no bullshit. There's absolutely nothing to scrape away. He's all heart. Just look at him, you know it's true.