Friday, February 19, 2010

Parents just don't understand.

Out and about this past weekend I noticed a rather disturbing trend.  Everywhere we went, we saw parents carrying their children.  Carrying them in strollers, rolling buggies, backpacks, front packs, wagons, carrying them like monkeys.  Any which way you can think of to carry these pint sized free loaders, we saw it. Can you believe that shit?  Lazy is the word that comes to mind but I don't really think that even begins to scratch the surface.  I was perplexed as to why all of these parents felt the need to mollycoddle these shiftless, lazy little future burdens of society.  And get this, even the parents that were making their kids walk on their own would pick them up after only a few short moments.  It would seem that whining, jumping up and down, and reaching for the sky is kid speak for "I'm indolent".  Are you kidding me?  The more I saw of this, the angrier I got until finally, I had to say something.

"Excuse me Sugar, can I ask you a question?"


"Shut up for a second will ya?  I am not a parent so I don't profess to know anything about parenting but don't you think you should put that kid down and let him start doing things for himself?"

"He's 4 months old, are you serio..."

"Listen lady.  I believe the children are our future.  Teach them well and let them lead the way.  You continue carrying him around like that and we are all going to grow old in a society that can't wipe its own ass. What's that teaching him???"


"Well?  I'm waiting."

"I'm calling the police."

A typical response from a typical overprotective mother.  Bottom line, these idle little grub worms are going to be living at home for their entire lives and when they do our society is going to crumble down around us while they are still suckling from their mama's teat.  It's all so sad.  And it's not as if I am expecting them to go out and find work in a factory stitching soccer balls somewhere.  I'm not a monster for Christ sakes.  I'm not Nike.  All I am saying is that these kids have legs and they should be using them.  These parents are not doing any of us any favors.  God I weep for our future.

1 comment:

  1. He's back with a vitriol not heard from in nigh 5 months!
